When did you realize that you are queer/gender non-conforming? What has that journey been like for you?
Around age 13 i fully understood my sexuality, but I was trying on my moms 1in church “heels” for fun at age 3 and had non hetero crushes on boys in 5th grade but I never understood it, I knew I was definitely not “normal” as an LDS raised child.
But it wasn’t until Jr Year of HS I started questioning my gender identity and still am struggling with it, but I’m happy where I am and I’m beyond thankful for my queer friends/family/allies that are in my life (:
When did you realize that you are queer/gender non-conforming? What has that journey been like for you?
Around age 13 i fully understood my sexuality, but I was trying on my moms 1in church “heels” for fun at age 3 and had non hetero crushes on boys in 5th grade but I never understood it, I knew I was definitely not “normal” as an LDS raised child. But it wasn’t until Jr Year of HS I started questioning my gender identity and still am struggling with it, but I’m happy where I am and I’m beyond thankful for my queer friends/family/allies that are in my life (:
How would you describe your experiences as a queer person here?
Scary, frustrating. My first week (5th day) in St George I got a drink thrown at me from a car cause I was wearing my friends crop top walking down the street after a sleep over. I worked retail and got called a slur by a customer since I had purple dyed hair and got treated like nothing. There’s A LOT more aspects that make me want to move somewhere else but the friends and family I have found here are worth all the hatred and bigotry in this town.
What do you feel is missing here? What do you wish would change?
Safety. I want to be able to go out in what I want to wear and not have to worry about what might happen to me.